Introduction (Static HTML)
This document provides a detailed overview, to integrate a signup form Into a static HTML customer website.
Please read it entirely before starting the integration.Note: This plugin will automatically redirect new users to the Trading Platform.
Download the archive with script here
Unzip the archive, inside 'panda-static-signup/php/' folder find 'settings.php'The following fields need to be configured in the script, so that the plugin will be able to connect to the CRM and create new users:
Partner ID, Secret Key and Endpoint will be provided by your Affiliate Manager.
CRM Configuration to be done by Affiliate Manager:
Checks that your Affiliate has a Method V3: Create customer enabled in CRM.
Adds your site's Outbound IP to IP white-list.
Without those steps complete the form will not work. -
Installation and usage
Upload the entire 'panda-static-signup' folder to your server.
You can upload to any web-visible directory; root, assets folder, special folder for js, etc.After uploading the files, you can include an embedded signup form script in your web page:
<script data-lang="en" id="embedded-signup" src="/panda-static-signup/embedded-signup.js"></script>
The 'src' attribute of a script must point to where the script is located.
If you have uploaded the folder to root - the 'src' must be '/panda-static-signup/embedded-signup.js'.
If you have uploaded to '/scripts/' folder, the 'src' must be '/scripts/panda-static-signup/embedded-signup.js'.The following attributes are mandatory for the integration to work:
"data-lang" - currently 'en' and 'ru' supported
"id" - must be 'embedded-signup'
"src" - must point to a place where the script is located
Expected result:
If the configuration is correct, users will be redirected to the Trading Platform after submitting the form.
CSS styling
The form itself has an ID of 'embedForm'.
Every element inside it has an ID starting with 'ptses_', e.g.: 'ptses_firstName'.
You can use the ID selectors to overwrite the default colors, or simply change the CSS inside 'panda-static-signup/css' folder -
Embedded signup form shows the customer a generic error message when registration fails:
You can get a detailed error message containing real error message by checking your browser's Developer Console.
Here is an example of error displayed in Chrome and caused by improperly configured credentials:We can see that the registration failed because host 'yourbrand.pandats-api.io' could not be resolved, because such host doesn't exist.
Introduction (Wordpress)
This document provides a detailed overview of WordPress plugin provided by Panda Trading Systems
for customer creation with automatic redirection to the brand's trading platform.
Please read it entirely before starting the integration. -
Plugin installation
Download the archive with plugin here
Plugin name: PandaTS Embedded Signup
Plugin directory: panda-embedded-signup
Upload the .zip archive via Plugins -> Add New -> Upload Plugin -> Install NowActivate the plugin:
After the plugin is installed and activated - you will need to configure credentials for your Affiliate.
Click on 'Configure' button in the Plugins menu:The following fields need to be configured in the plugin, so that it will be able to connect to CRM and create customers:
Partner ID, Secret Key and Endpoint will be provided by your Affiliate Manager
CRM Configuration to be done by Affiliate Manager:
Please ensure your Affiliate Manager does the following:
Checks that your Affiliate has a Method V3: Create customer enabled in CRM.
Adds your site's Outbound IP to IP white-list.
Without those steps complete the form will not work.
Once all the variables are configured - click 'Update File'.
If you get an error after that - try disabling the plugin in Plugins menu, updating the config file again and enabling the plugin again. -
After plugin has been activated and configured - paste the shortcode [pandats-embedded-signup]
in WordPress page in a place where you want the signup form to be shown.Expected result:
If the configuration is correct - after filling the form details and clicking 'Register' - the user will be redirected to brand's trading platform.
CSS Styling
You can target the submit form by selector 'ptses_'.
The form itself has an ID of 'ptses_regForm' and every element inside it has an ID starting with 'ptses_', e.g.: 'ptses_firstName' -
Embedded signup form shows the customer a generic error message when registration fails:
You can get a detailed error message containing real error message by checking your browser's Developer Console.
Here is an example of error displayed in Chrome and caused by improperly configured credentials:We can see that the registration failed because host 'yourbrand.pandats-api.io' could not be resolved, because such host doesn't exist.